
Palm sedge (Carex muskingumensis) 'Little Midge'

5 €
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Container size  11 cm/ 1 litre
Availability, delivery time 2025 summer

Carex muskingumensis is a dense clump forming wetland sedge with striking texture. Leaves are attractive, bright green and reminiscent of palm fronds. In summer triangular leafy stems rise slightly above the foliage bearing narrow ellipse shaped spikelets.  Carex muskingumensis grows in handsome rounded clumps and forms colonies from short creeping rhizomes and by self-seeding. Autumn colour yellow.

Winterhardy cool season perennial
Height 15-20  cm
Width 20 cm
Spacing 20-30 cm /7-10 pc/m2
Flowering time VII-VIII
Site sunny or partially shaded, medium moisture to wet soil, also shallow water.